Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums COVID-19 and LEMS Now that the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine is fully approved, does this change anything for you?

  • Price Wooldridge

    August 25, 2021 at 8:08 am

    @ashleygregory757 My first thought is this removes the excuse that the vaccine was rushed and not fully vetted. Rushed it was, but from all I could tell, extreme due diligence was being done based on trial halts happening during the process. Given the lethal outcomes and ease of transmission, I thought it prudent early on to get vaccinated.
    In a news report yesterday, I heard 52% of Americans have been vaccinated. Let’s go folks! There’s a fully approved FDA vaccine out there. Go get it!

  • Mary Hudak-Collins

    August 25, 2021 at 10:48 am

    I still have no desire to have this injection.  Regardless of being approved, long term effects have not been determined because it has not been around long enough.  People who are vaccinated are still suffering death.  I know of many throughout my circle of family and friends.  Just this morning, my husband’s cousin’s husband passed away.  Fully vaxed with no pre-existing disease/syndromes.  Being highly sensitive to medications, and knowing that once the vax is given there is no going back if you have a reaction to it, I’m being very careful.  I’m not lazy where my health is concerned.  There are many regimes of preventative care out there available  which I follow.  I have been subjected to quarantine 8 times in the last year because of someone in my family being around someone who tested positive.  I don’t really go out any more than necessary and stay away from large crowds.  But at this point, I don’t feel safe with this vaccine.  Just FYI, I am not an anti-vaxer.

    • Michelle Keogh

      August 25, 2021 at 4:56 pm

      Hi Mary,  Please accept my condolences on the loss of your cousin.  It is so hard when you have medication sensitivity.  A few people I know have similar issues and it’s been difficult for them to get the vaccine too.  Michelle 🙂


  • Michelle Keogh

    August 25, 2021 at 4:53 pm

    I was vaccinated in March/April and will most likely get the booster this fall.  Working as a kindergarten teacher exposes me to everything.  The good news is that all of the mask wearing and hand washing really cut down on the regular school year colds, flu etc.  It is a little scary worrying about the effects of the vaccine but for me I feel safer having the vaccine on board to continue to be at work and out and about.  The hard part was that I had more fatigue and leg weakness after the vaccine and it took several weeks for me to feel better after having it.

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