Dawn DeBois
Name | Dawn DeBois |
Nickname | dawn-debois |
Year of Birth | 1969 |
Gender | Female |
Location | Maine |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | I’ve been diagnosed with LEMS since 2016 and I also have 7 other diagnosed autoimmune diseases that keep my doctors busy and my medicine cabinet full. I’m the definition of having Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome. You know what they say- Go big or go home! In March 2020, my yet to be diagnosed dysautonomia and the stress of COVID lockdown caused me to faint, landing face first on my hardwood floor, knocking me out for close to an hour. I suffered a severe concussion. It was classified as a TBI-Traumatic brain injury. This brain injury changed my life as I knew it. Yes, 2020 turned out to be far worse for me than simply dealing with the world in a pandemic. Healing from a brain injury takes a lot of time and rest and it turns out there are many complicating factors that can unexpectedly happen. In order to concentrate on that healing, I resigned my positions with BioNews. However, I will always be a LEMS patient and I’m proud to have been here to help BioNews build and launch the forums as well as recommending Ashley and Price for their positions. They do a great job! My LEMS, I am happy to report, is doing great being managed with Firdapse, Mestinon, and weekly SubQ Hizentra. Doing Ig weekly at home during the pandemic has been a godsend. I have very few side effects and am on my lowest doses ever of Firdapse and Mestinon. My LEMS symptoms are minimal these days, as are the symptoms of my other autoimmune diseases. I’m so thankful that Ig seems to keep everything in check If only Ig could heal my brain injury! Once my writing completely comes back to me – it’s been a rough go since my concussion- I plan on writing my entire traumatic childhood story of my ACE Scores….If you wonder what ACE Scores are and how they impact those of us with autoimmune diseases, check out my column and stay tuned for my book! Stay well everyone! If you want to reach out you can find me at my Facebook page, The Battle Within- Fighting Autoimmune Disease. |
How did you hear about us? | Column Post |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had LEM? | 6 years |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |