
Putting Out the Fires That Flare Up Because of LEMS

Ebbs and flows seem to come with a diagnosis of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS). I’ve equated that diagnosis stage to putting out a fire. Everything else in life seems to halt so that the fire can be put out. Finally, the fire is smothered as a diagnosis is…

Steps I Took to Dig Out From the Depths of Depression

Watching a loved one suffer is unbelievably hard. Watching your child suffer and lose function is practically impossible. In my view, suffering and heartache were never meant to be part of our story. Yet here we are. Each of us has extremely hard parts in our stories. In my life,…

How We Managed a Vacation, LEMS, and Summer Heat

These last days of summer blanket us with a thick layer of humidity and unrelenting sun. For us in the South, the end of summer is not marked by the turning of the seasons toward cooler weather, but instead the return of the new school year. The heat and humidity…