Collecting those autoimmune disorders, how many for you?
It’s a curiosity to me that these autoimmune disorders, like LEMS, seen to run in packs. You’ve got one, hey you may have more! How many have you collected? Best I can tell for me, only two. Type 1 diabetes is autoimmune in origin, but I have Type 2. My first autoimmune disorder to show itself was Dermatitis Herpetiformis, or DH. DH is a celiac condition which manifests itself by producing skin blisters. Why or how did I get DH? I haven’t got a clue. Then, some years later, along comes Lambert-Eaton. I guess I feel fortunate, because these are the only two I have, to my knowledge. Others I know can provide a list. So again, how many autoimmune disorders do you have?
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