Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums Living With LEMS Adventures in Travel with LEMS, Part 2

  • Adventures in Travel with LEMS, Part 2

    Posted by Price Wooldridge on August 11, 2022 at 7:00 am

    As I mentioned in Part 1, even though I don’t travel often, I’ve done it enough to have a routine planned. All went well departing DFW International Airport for the east coast. The problems began once airborne. .

    The flight up is where my LEMS-associated problems began. I’ve done it before and apparently don’t have the discipline to stay on schedule with my LEMS medications. I think it’s the stress, the being off-routine, and the distractions, that cause this. My medications were stored in my carry-on bag under the seat in front of me, but I never reached to pull it up and out to get my medications during the three and a half hour flight. I have the best intentions, but never followed through. Then many hours later in my hotel room, settling in, I realize I’ve missed my last two doses of both. I won’t realize how this is going to affect me until the next morning. I’ll talk about that in Part 3 of this adventure.

    Do you have any tips for managing medications when you travel?

    DCarpenter replied 2 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • DCarpenter

    August 16, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    I have daily pill containers by time of day—when I am out, I take those individual pill containers when I go out for the day.

    I set reminder alarms on my IWatch and phone. If I am away for longer time, I take my stash of meds, and pharmacy telephone numbers for my critical meds just in case.

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