Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums General Questions and Topics Do You Follow a Special Diet?

  • Do You Follow a Special Diet?

    Posted by Price Wooldridge on November 24, 2022 at 7:15 am

    So much of our health is directly related to our diet. What we eat, is what we are!

    With Lambert-Eaton and many other disorders, inflammation exacerbates our difficulties. A lower inflammatory diet has to be helpful. In my case, I have other dietary restrictions as well, so understanding which foods are good and not so good can be a challenge. After numerous consultations with dietitians and nutritionists, I’ve got a pretty good handle on what I can and can’t have.

    Just recently I’ve been reading the works of Dr. Andrew Weil, well known Integrative Medicine doctor, and considering the anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet. Dr. Weil is a big proponent of an anti-inflammatory diet for good health.

    Here’s Dr. Weil’s brief introduction to The Mediterranean diet! LINK

    Do you pay attention to your diet? Is there a special focus on the meal plan you follow daily?

    Price Wooldridge replied 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

    November 24, 2022 at 11:04 am

    Muchas gracias, he leido mediante el link las pautas e importancia de la dieta mediterranea como valor necesario junto con una actividad fisica y a la medicación. Yo vivo en España y es cierto que los alimentos tienen como bases el aceite de oliva, verduras y frutas frescas y cereales integrales con menos grasas monoinsaturadas, evitando productos procesados. Es decir,la base alimentaria más sana que los paises mediterráneos llevamos desde hace decadas porque la produccion aqui, el terreno, el clima y el tipo de vida habitual nos ofrecía la oportunidad de vivir y producirlos aquí.
    Sin embargo, las crisis económicas, la alta inflacion y el stress que se sufre en décadas han llevado a las familias a un deterioro de nutrición que ha ocasionado que en este país haya aumentado de forma alarmante el sobrepeso sobre todo y actualmente en la niñez y edad adolescente e incluso madura. Falta tiempo para cocinar productos naturales, El nivel de vida para poder tener vivienda en España requiere que ambos miembros de los progenitores tengan que trabajar los dos para poder tener acceso a cosas básicas, comida, educación y hogar. Los enfermos lo tenemos tambien más difícil dado que los tratamientos requieren largos años y no podemos a veces llevar ciertas tareas y debilidades que requeririan un esfuerzo en determinados dias donde ni siquiera te puedes levantar. Yo procuro hacer comida sana, y congelar para esos complicados dias que te impidan hacer un día útil y normalizado. Por eso recomiendo como tú, se le preste mucha atención a hacer un buen puré de patatas, hortalizas, zanahorias, a comprar un brick con conservantes y en cuestion de fruta igual. Varias piezas de fruta que sacian y son sanisimas en estos cuerpos maltrechos y procurar no tomar procesados ni carbohidratos que facilitan la subida del colesterol, alta tensión y subidas de peso que nosotros ni nadie se puede permitir para poder facilitar las digestiones, la circulación sanguínea …Yo algunas veces porque no puedo tragar bien, es comer más veces menos cantidad y de estos productos que tienen las vitaminas y proteinas más saludables, Contacme vosotros qué tal en otros paises.
    Thank you very much, I have read through the link the guidelines and importance of the Mediterranean diet as a necessary value along with physical activity and medication. I live in Spain and it is true that food is based on olive oil, fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grains with less monounsaturated fats, avoiding processed products. That is to say, the healthiest food base that the Mediterranean countries have had for decades because the production here, the terrain, the climate and the usual type of life offered us the opportunity to live and produce them here.
    However, the economic crises, high inflation and the stress suffered in decades have led families to a deterioration in nutrition that has caused overweight in this country to increase alarmingly, especially and currently in childhood and adolescent and even mature age. There is a lack of time to cook natural products. The standard of living to be able to have a home in Spain requires that both members of the parents have to work in order to have access to basic things, food, education and a home. We patients also have it more difficult since the treatments require long years and sometimes we cannot carry out certain tasks and weaknesses that would require an effort on certain days where you cannot even get up. I try to make healthy food, and freeze it for those complicated days that prevent you from having a useful and normal day. That is why I recommend, like you, that you pay a lot of attention to making a good mashed potatoes, vegetables, carrots, to buy a brick with preservatives and in a matter of fruit the same. Several pieces of fruit that quench and are very healthy in these battered bodies and try not to eat processed or carbohydrates that facilitate the rise in cholesterol, high blood pressure and weight gain that we and no one else can afford to facilitate digestion, blood circulation… Me sometimes because I can’t swallow well, it means eating more often less quantity and of these products that have the healthiest vitamins and proteins, let me know how it is in other countries.

  • Price Wooldridge

    November 24, 2022 at 11:15 am

    Lucia, this is an excellent perspective from another country, Spain. You bring up many good points about having LEMS and the sometimes difficulty standing and working in the kitchen for a long time. I do like your strategy to cook extra and put aside for those days when you are weaker.
    It’s unfortunate that many do not find time to shop for and cook fresh ingredients. This leads to more dependence on prepared foods which aren’t as healthy. I almost never have what we call “fast food” anymore. It’s quick, convenient, and easy. But also more expensive and less healthy.
    I too would enjoy hearing from people in other countries on how take advantage of their local diet offerings as Spain does with Mediterranean.

    Lucía, esta es una excelente perspectiva de otro país, España. Mencionas muchos puntos buenos sobre tener LEMS y la dificultad a veces de estar de pie y trabajar en la cocina durante mucho tiempo. Me gusta tu estrategia de cocinar extra y reservar para esos días en los que estás más débil.
    Es lamentable que muchos no encuentren tiempo para comprar y cocinar ingredientes frescos. Esto conduce a una mayor dependencia de los alimentos preparados que no son tan saludables. Ya casi nunca tengo lo que llamamos “comida rápida”. Es rápido, conveniente y fácil. Pero también más caro y menos saludable.
    A mí también me gustaría escuchar a personas de otros países sobre cómo aprovechar sus ofertas de dieta local como lo hace España con el Mediterráneo.

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