
Immune-Related Cancer Therapy Triggers LEMS in Elderly Patient

A rare case of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) triggered by an immune-related cancer therapy was recently described in a case study. Because immunotherapy is relatively new, patients receiving these treatments should be monitored for “unexpected and unknown side effects,” the researchers noted. The case study, “Lambert-Eaton…

Real-world Study Reports No New Safety Issues With Long-term Firdapse

Long-term treatment with Firdapse is generally well-tolerated by people with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS), according to a study of patient registry data. “The European LEMS registry aimed to collate observational safety data on treatments offered to patients with LEMS, particularly [Firdapse], which was approved in the year before…

Organizations Rally to Help Ukrainian Rare Disease Patients

A Russian military plane crash near Tetiana Zamorska’s home in Kyiv, Ukraine, was a sign that it was time for her and her family to leave. The treacherous, 34-hour pilgrimage that ultimately brought the group of eight by car to temporary accommodations in neighboring Poland last month was physically and emotionally difficult,…

Europe Awaits Proposed New Framework for Sharing Health Data

The European Commission is expected to propose a new governing framework for health data next month, called the European Health Data Space (EHDS), with the aim of connecting national health systems to facilitate secure and efficient transfer of data across systems in different European nations. The move is expected to…