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  • Got LEMS, be a LEMS Educator

    Posted by Price Wooldridge on September 1, 2020 at 9:00 am

    There is so much information out there to educate yourself about LEMS, and not only the physiology of the disorder, but also your own “data bank” of experiences. As we come in contact with others, this knowledge is a great tool to educate others, including health professionals. Today I was in the ER to deal with a knee problem, and the attending physician asked if he could send in a medical school student so I could teach him about LEMS. Of course I could! A fourth year student came to my room, anxious to learn. I not only explained the physiology of the problems at the neuromuscular junction, but told him how I was diagnosed and explained the common symptoms most of us experience. He was very eager to learn, and I was very happy to teach. Win, win. You too can be a LEMS educator!

    Price Wooldridge replied 4 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Dawn DeBois

    September 2, 2020 at 5:26 am

    @pricewool You have NO idea how much I was wishing you were with me yesterday at PT. No idea. It didn’t go well because, as you know from talking to me, answering questions right now is very difficult due to my TBI. I had assumed my physical therapist had truly looked at my info when he received it, or, would ask me a question (when I was doing better and said LEMS- but I didn’t go into my teachable moment with him because, uh, I’m recovering from a TBI). It has taken me until this morning to recover from that horrible experience.  LEMme Tell ya, there’s a column spinning in my brain about that horrible experience….

  • Price Wooldridge

    September 2, 2020 at 8:44 am

    Dawn, my experience with physical therapists has been a mixed bag. When my right hip went bad from my left leg/hip weakness, I had two therapists in my sessions. Explaining LEMS to them both, I thought one “got it”, but the other one didn’t. At one point I was asked to do side steps with band resistance. Knowing that would tear up my hips, I told her I would do the exercise, but without the band. She accepted the mod I knew was best, and we moved on. The physical thing can be difficult.

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