Fruit In the Anti-Inflammatory Diet
It’s a known fact that an anti-inflammatory diet can help with many disorders, including our Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome. I’ve been incorporating the Mediterranean Diet more and more into my life at the end of last year and into 2023.
A large component of the Mediterranean Diet is fresh fruit. This is an easy one for me because I love sweet things, and fruits are generally sweet. In addition, fresh fruit provides natural sugars, much more healthy and beneficial to those of us with diabetes. My body loves natural sugars and they don’t drive up my blood sugar numbers as refined sugars do.
First, get yourself a good kitchen knife and sharpener. Then use it to cut up fresh fruit from the market. Some of my favorites are mangos, pears, and apples. More and more I’m cutting up fresh fruit and eating it that way.
I also love berries, all kinds of berries. At the store, I buy strawberries in season, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. I also love a nice bag of red, seedless grapes. Just pick them from the stems, wash and bag them. You’ve got a tasty, healthy snack ready anytime to enjoy.
The joys of eating sweet fruit are almost endless, and knowing they’re helping boost you to better health makes it even sweeter!
Do you have enough fresh fruit in your diet? What are your favorites?
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