Losing a LEMS Medication, Maybe
We each have our own unique set of physical issues that travel along with the Lambert-Eaton. Many of us have more than one autoimmune problem. For me it’s Dermatitis Herpetiformis, a celiac disorder. You may have others. The one that’s impacting me now is kidney disease brought on by long term diabetes. It is already affecting my cardiac treatment plan and may be about to alter my LEMS treatment plan. Immunoglobulin is hard on kidneys. As my kidneys get progressively worse, the ability to continue IVIG is seriously in question. With my neurologist appointment in two weeks it may come to a decision. The most promising alternative I’m hearing about is Rituxan (rituximab), an immunosuppressive drug. Other than the risks of being in a pandemic, I’m hearing very good things about its efficacy. If you’re on an immunosuppressive drug, please let me know how it’s working for you. Decisions have to be made.
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