Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums General Questions and Topics May is mental health awareness month!

  • May is mental health awareness month!

    Posted by Ashley on May 12, 2021 at 10:43 am

    Good morning all!

    Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month?

    My work just sent out an e-mail with some information I thought would be cool to share with you guys.

    Science says we all need to laugh and cry more! 

    Stress relief from laughter? It’s no joke – Mayo Clinic

    A good laugh can improve your health both short-term and long-term:


    When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body:

    • Stimulates organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.
    • Activates and relieves the stress response. A good laugh increases and then decreases your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? …Cardio…and a good, relaxed feeling similar to post-workout.
    • Soothe tension. Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which can help reduce physical symptoms of stress.


    • Laughter isn’t just a quick pick-me-up, though. It’s also good for you over the long term:
    • Improves your immune system. Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that affect your body by decreasing your immunity. Positive thoughts, stimulated by laughter, can actually release neuropeptides that fight stress and illness.
    • Relieves pain. Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.
    • Increases personal satisfaction. Laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations and foster human connections or bonds.
    • Improve your mood. Many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier.

    Is crying good for you? – Harvard Health

    Did you know: scientists divide tears into three distinct categories:

    1.      Reflex tears- removing debris such as smoke and dust from our eyes, Their content is 98% water.

    2.      Continuous tears- Lubricating our eyes to help protect them from infection. Their content is 98% water.

    3.      Emotional tears- flush stress hormones and other toxins out of our system and offer the most health benefits. Researchers have established that crying releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, also known as endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that help ease both physical and emotional pain.


    Let me know what you guys think about this! I definitely found it interesting!

    Price Wooldridge replied 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Price Wooldridge

    May 12, 2021 at 2:51 pm

    I didn’t know it was Mental Health Awareness Month, but maybe we should be aware of our mental health every month! Just take a few minutes and assess how we’re handling everything. And perhaps look for some adjustments. My mental mood-o-meter generally points to the good side, with occasional dips. I certainly think I laugh a lot and enjoy making people chuckle. Of course big boys don’t cry. I’d never admit to that. I’ve never, ever teared up at some sappy movie. Nope.

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