Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums Living With LEMS Stress, Food, and LEMS

  • Stress, Food, and LEMS

    Posted by Price Wooldridge on April 27, 2022 at 7:01 am

    Let us talk STRESS for a few minutes. I typed this in all caps because STRESS deserves ALL CAPS. Stress is a biggie for most, if not all LEMS patients. And why wouldn’t it? LEMS symptoms of weakness, excessive fatigue, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, and talking, plague us to varying degrees almost every day. These symptoms make daily living challenging and changing.

    Here’s a four-pronged approach to managing STRESS in our daily lives.

    The last topic I tackled was “Get Moving!” You can read it HERE.

    Now I want to talk about “Watch What You Eat”. Remember, we’re trying to reduce the chronic stress from our daily lives to help lower stress levels, reduce inflammation, and boost your immune system.

    Here are a few PRO tips:
    – try to eat a low-glycemic index diet (ie, fewer carbs and sugars)
    – Say yes to lean meats like fish and chicken
    – Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables
    – Remove or reduce dairy in your diet
    – Avoid fast food, prepare your own healthy meals (if you can)

    Everything you read above, you’ve already probably heard, right? Just reading about it, and just thinking about it, doesn’t get it done! You have to make an action plan. Do it, and do it now, for your own health and reduced stress levels.

    So here’s an Action Plan. We’re all different, have different life situations, different abilities, and different schedules. Take what you can and adapt it to your lifestyle.

    – Stop stopping for or calling in delivery Fast Food. I haven’t eaten at a Fast Food restaurant or had their food brought in since I can remember. I have eaten in restaurants, but no fast food.
    – Grocery shop or have groceries delivered fresh for your use. Buy lots of berries, grapes, bananas, and other fresh fruits, easy to prepare and store in the fridge.
    – Buy fresh or frozen chicken, fish, and pork, and prepare in bulk to save time and energy on a daily basis. I often cook two or three protein servings at a time, eat one, then fridge the other two for the later meals. I do the same for vegetables. I love preparing soups. They’re easy and can be very healthy.
    – Stop drinking unhealthy drinks like full-sugar sodas. My diabetes clinician once told me, that drinking prepared OJ, Lemonade, and other juices are just like drinking a COKE, so watch how much you drink and understand the sugar content you’re getting.
    – If you have little time or ability to prepare your own meals, consider a meal service. I’ve tried a couple and still use Home Chef. They vary from sending you the ingredients to prepare yourself, to frozen meals, ready for your microwave. The downside to the services is cost. You are paying for convenience and ease. If you can’t do it all the time, consider using a service for some meals a month. That’s what I do.

    I hope these PRO Tips will inspire you. But, being inspired is not enough. You have to start your own Action Plan. Start it today by changing your old habits! It’s going to help you lower the stress and inflammation in your body. That’s all good!

    Do you have any tips for managing stress?

    Price Wooldridge replied 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Ashley

    April 27, 2022 at 7:45 am

    Hey @pricewool,

    I know we recently had a conversation about this as I decided to start eating healthier and minimize potential triggers

    • Price Wooldridge

      April 27, 2022 at 1:34 pm

      @ashleygregory757 way to go! Keep after it. I know how busy most of your days are, but try and avoid the fast food stop on the way home. It’s so tempting, but I bet you’ll feel better eating healthier. You got this!

  • Morgan

    April 27, 2022 at 2:20 pm

    Hi @pricewool,

    Great topic! I decided to kick excess sugar about 2 months ago. I always heard about how toxic sugar is but I had no idea! My one vice is coffee. I didn’t realize how much I was consuming in my creamer because I bought the “natural, healthier one.” Then, I started reading the sugar content on dressings, sauces, condiments, etc… Yikes!

    I was watching TV and came across Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian program. It’s more plant based but the foundation is eating GBOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds) everyday. I still eat lean animal protein and dairy but incorporate GBOMBS in my diet. What a difference it has made!

    • Price Wooldridge

      April 27, 2022 at 2:43 pm

      @morgan1028, Fantastic! Yes, there is sugar hidden everywhere. I’m diabetic, read labels all the time, and find amazing amounts in food and beverage items you wouldn’t think much about. I think of sugar as “carbohydrates”, and that’s how sugars are listed in food labeling. I bought a small bottle of specialty tea beverage to bring to a friend the other day. It had 20 grams of carbs!!! That’s okay if you know what you’re getting and consider it in your daily plan. Otherwise, the sneaky carbs in all sorts of products adds up.

      Congrats on you efforts to improve your diet! Bravo!

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