Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums General Questions and Topics Medications to avoid in LEMS (and Myasthenia)

  • DCarpenter

    April 12, 2022 at 2:47 pm

    Hi all, listed below is an NIH url with drugs to avoid

    Table – PMC (

    hope helpful.  Deborah Carpenter


    November 30, 2022 at 1:47 am

    Muchas gracias por la lista de medicamentos que interfieren o son negativos para crisis o brotes del eaton lambert. La verdad es que me encuentro muchas veces sometida a este tipo de medicamentos por los efectos secundarios que provoca el mismo sindrome autoinmune fisica y psíquicamente y que son bastante interferientes, pero no me los pueden eliminar con lo que el estado general anda sosteniendote así así de milagro, pero quizás si ocasionen alguna crisis mas o menos importante de la enfermedad.
    Creo que un ajuste de todo y en pocas dosis pueda lograr ese equilibrio que tanto necesitamos.

    Thank you very much for the list of medications that interfere or are negative for eaton lambert crises or outbreaks. The truth is that I often find myself subjected to this type of medication due to the side effects caused by the same autoimmune syndrome physically and mentally and which are quite interfering, but they cannot eliminate them with what the general state is holding you like this. miracle, but perhaps if they cause a more or less important crisis of the disease.
    I believe that an adjustment of everything and in a few doses can achieve that balance that we need so much.

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