Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums General Questions and Topics A time for everything, including goodbyes

  • A time for everything, including goodbyes

    Posted by Price Wooldridge on July 24, 2023 at 7:00 am

    Hi everyone! It has been my pleasure to interact with you, my fellow LEMS patients and caregivers, for the past few years. As with all things, “everything in its own time”. It’s my time now to move on. It’s time for a fresh perspective, fresh ideas, and fresh dialogue. Ashley will give you that, beginning in August. Please welcome her.

    Before leaving I need to say a few thanks. First, thanks to a LEMS patient, Dawn, for thinking of me when she left the forums due to illness. Without her leadership to get these forums started, good words about me and recommendation, I would not have had this opportunity.

    Thanks to Michael Morale for having the confidence in me to work the forums and also record podcast audio tracks for LEMS, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and Multiple Sclerosis. I met new people with different disorders but also found many of the same challenges we share. I learned a lot about not only LEMS but also these other disorders. I learned a lot about people and how strong they can be when tested.

    Thanks to Kevin and Brad who look over these forums, a vital part of the LEMS rare disease community. They do it with dedication and passion. I appreciate their confidence in me through the years.

    Thanks to Lori Dunham, who has become my supportive friend, through our working relationship with her LEMS column. Finding and making friends with others who share their struggles is a big bonus that comes with working here.

    And finally thanks to Ashley who is returning to be with you. It was my great pleasure to work hand in hand with another LEMS patient such as her. There’s something special going on when you can plan, discuss, and work together for the LEMS community here.

    Thank you all for the wins we’ve had. It means more than you know to have someone with LEMS come on the Forums in deep distress because of their LEMS diagnosis, what it is doing to their lives, and see members here quickly come to their aid with comforting words and information to put them at ease, to help them advocate. It’s made these last few years mean something special to me.

    There’s a time for everything, and I wish you all well.

    Price Wooldridge replied 11 months, 4 weeks ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Tracy

    July 25, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    You’ll be missed my friend

    • Price Wooldridge

      July 25, 2023 at 6:59 pm

      Thanks Tracy! We will stay in touch for sure.

  • Wanda Grischkowsky

    July 25, 2023 at 8:24 pm

    Best wishes, Price.

  • Dorothy Dempsey

    July 28, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    Thank you Price for all the encouraging words, you have made a positive difference in our lives for sure!

    • Price Wooldridge

      July 28, 2023 at 7:34 pm

      Thank you so much, Dorothy. That means a lot to me.

  • Eleanore Monty

    July 30, 2023 at 4:26 pm

    Thank you and God bless!

    • Price Wooldridge

      July 31, 2023 at 9:08 am

      Thank you so much, Eleanore. My years here were very fulfilling!

  • Deborah Carpenter

    August 3, 2023 at 8:30 am

    Dear Price, thank you for your leadership and coaching efforts, which have been greatly appreciated and helpful. Best wishes


    • Price Wooldridge

      August 3, 2023 at 8:41 am

      Deborah thank you so much for the kind words. It’s always been a pleasure!

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