Presenting and Publishing
Hello everyone…on my most recent visit to my PCP, who was the one who originally saw me when I first presented with my symptoms, informed me that the residents that saw me in the hospital would be presenting my case to the medical students, residents, and physicians of the ETSU (East TN) network. He asked my permission, which of course, I gave. The way he talked sounded as if it would require my assistance in some way but he told me he would talk to me again when they got closer to the presentation. He also told me that following their presentation, they would be submitting it for publication in medical journals.
So…my question is…has anyone else been involved in this? If so, what all did it entail?
I’m excited that the docs in my area have recognized their lack of knowledge in LEMS and look forward to helping in any way to educate the healthcare field. I do know that he told me that once he diagnosed me with LEMS, he received a 2 inch high package on information on LEMS. I don’t know who sent it out to him but I will try to find out.
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