Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums Living With LEMS Your Smartwatch & Your Health, Do You Use One?

  • Your Smartwatch & Your Health, Do You Use One?

    Posted by Price Wooldridge on December 9, 2022 at 7:00 am

    Recently I was flying in the coach section with 3 seats on each side of the center aisle. Glancing around, I noticed 5 of the 6 of us all had Apple Watches on. This isn’t an endorsement for an Apple Watch, but rather an observation of how ubiquitous wearing a smartwatch is these days. They’re everywhere!

    Are you wearing a smartwatch?

    If you do have one strapped to your wrist, how much do you use it for monitoring your health, sharing with your medical team, and perhaps even guiding your treatments?

    Very quickly, I’ll tell you which apps I have and use on my Apple Watch.

    – The Apple Health App
    – ECG
    – Activity App
    – HeartWatch
    – Fitness App
    – iBP0
    – myAir (CPAP)
    – Medtronic MCL Heart (pacemaker)
    – Dexcom 6 (diabetes monitor)
    – Clarity (diabetes analysis
    – Wave (testing symptom journaling)
    – Allergy Alert (for allergies)
    – AutoSleep

    Wow! I had no idea I’d generate such a list. I actually use all of these most days, daily, and sometimes almost hourly to monitor my health.

    Let’s have a discussion! What apps have you found most beneficial to you?

    Price Wooldridge replied 1 year, 9 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Anngail Norris

    December 16, 2022 at 5:04 pm

    I just got a smartwatch but haven’t started using it yet. So I can’t comment on the apps. But I’ll tell you why I got it. A few weeks ago I had a seizure of undetermined cause. Firdapse can cause seizures, but I’ve been taking it for 3 years with no problem. I ended up on the floor in my family room. I managed to reach my phone and called 911.

    Since I live alone, my daughter wanted me to get a life alert or something like it. These are not cheap. There is the initial cost of the equipment and a monthly fee of $30-$40 for the service.

    Black Friday came and Verizon was having all these fantastic promotions. I got a new iPhone and the smartwatch was FREE. I do have to pay for the phone line. You can program the watch to call 911 and another emergency contact by pressing on a button on the watch. Faster than a call center that has to locate emergency services.

    I hope I never have to use this feature, but it gives me and my daughter peace of mind knowing I have it.

    • Price Wooldridge

      December 17, 2022 at 5:03 pm

      That’s a great reason to get a smart watch! Depending on the model you have, they will detect a fall and call 911 for you if you don’t respond and click to stop the call. It’s a fantastic safety feature, FREE in the phone!

  • DCarpenter

    December 20, 2022 at 2:57 pm

    I use mine religiously for medication reminders and to track my walking goals. A must have to manage my LEMS therapy

    thanks Deborah

    • Price Wooldridge

      December 20, 2022 at 3:53 pm

      You bet! Like you, my Apple Watch is now an essential part of my health monitoring. If mine broke, I’d have to go replace it immediately.

  • Brian Herres

    January 2, 2023 at 1:55 am

    Withings Scanwatch. Expecially good for tracking my puls at night while i sleep (training mode). Im a heart patient as well and have had problems from LEMS??? with Afib.

    • Price Wooldridge

      January 2, 2023 at 5:51 pm

      Good to hear. I too have heart issues. I did a lot more monitoring before I had a pacemaker placed and was put on an anti arrhythmia drug. With everything more stable now, I don’t monitor as frequently with ECGs.

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