Lambert-Eaton News Forums Forums Living With LEMS LEMS and the flu vaccine


    December 13, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    Translation: Hi Ashley, my experience is completely different from yours. I am one of those who cannot get vaccinated against the flu or any disease that carries attenuated viruses. As an adult, I have never had a flu shot and never caught it. On three occasions over the last few years that I was already diagnosed, I got vaccinated 3 times for the flu, which meant I was sick for a week with a fever of 39 or 40 and I didn’t understand anything. So my neurologist prescribed me the covid vaccine exclusively for messenger DNA (pfyzer and modern), I already have the 4 doses, the last one a month ago, already with the variants that have been much more contagious lately and with serious symptoms. And never: astrazenica, Jamsen, the Chinese, the Indian or the Russian. All of the latter with attenuated viruses.
    Perhaps this has not happened to other people. If you contribute your experience, maybe we can relate the vaccines to the lemmas. And thank you very much for opening this thread.

    Hola ashley, mi experiencia es totalmente distinta a la tuya. Yo soy de los que no puedo vacunarme de gripe ni de ninguna enfermedad que lleve virus atenuados. De adulto, no me he vacunado de gripe nunca y nunca la he cogido. En tres ocasiones a lo largo de los ultimos años que ya estaba diagnosticada, me vacuné 3 veces de gripe, que me supuso estar una semana enferma con 39 o 40 de fiebre y no entendia nada. Asi que mi neurologo me prescribió la vacuna del covid exclusivamente de adn mensajero (pfyzer y moderna), ya tengo las 4 dosis, hace un mes la ultima, ya con las variantes que se han presentado ultimamente mucho mas contagiosas y con sintomas graves. Y nunca: astrazenica, Jamsen, la china, la india o la rusa. Todas estas ultimos con virus atenuados.
    Quizas a otras personas no les ha pasado esto. Si aportáis vuestra experiencia, a lo mejor relacionamos las vacunas con el lems. Y muchas gracias por abrir este hilo.

    • Price Wooldridge

      December 23, 2022 at 8:42 am

      Lucia, I’m sorry to hear you are unable to take these vaccines. We are all different and our bodies react differently. At least you were able to take the COVID vaccines, so that is some protection. That is a good thing!

      Lucía, lamento escuchar que no puede tomar estas vacunas. Todos somos diferentes y nuestros cuerpos reaccionan de manera diferente. Al menos pudiste tomar las vacunas COVID, así que eso es algo de protección. ¡Esa es una buena cosa!

  • A LEMS Patient

    December 15, 2022 at 7:10 am

    I had my flu vaccine and it triggered my LEMS symptoms horribly. They got worse for a week, held on for another week before slowly backing off. I was taking all of my medications like normal but it felt like it did before diagnosis. Never again.  I have had no issues with the COVID vaccines.

    • Price Wooldridge

      December 15, 2022 at 2:20 pm

      Thanks for your report. We all react differently to these vaccines. I’ve had both the flu and latest COVID booster variant (my fifth shot). I had no reaction to the flu vaccine at all. The COVID variant booster gave me a sore, slightly swollen shoulder for a few days. The second day after the booster I also felt a bit off. After that fine.

  • David1949

    December 20, 2022 at 2:22 pm

    I got my high dose Flu vaccine in mid October and my 6th covid vaccine administration in early November.  Fortunately,  I don’t get horrible side effects from either vaccine.

    As long as someone offers me a Flu or Covid vaccine or booster, I will step up and be happy to get mine

    • Price Wooldridge

      December 23, 2022 at 8:34 am

      That’s great news! Same for me. I’ve been taking the flu vaccine every year without reactions. I did have the flu some years ago, but feel my vaccine kept the illness lighter.

      Almost the same for the COVID vaccines and boosters. More reaction to those, but they have been relatively minor.

  • Wanda Grischkowsky

    December 30, 2022 at 8:08 pm

    I got my flu vaccine and third COVID booster vaccine and experienced no side effects.

    • Price Wooldridge

      January 1, 2023 at 8:33 am

      Thanks for sharing your experience.

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